Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Yesterday we made inkblots to start out this week’s Carriage House art camp. The kids loved making them and then we then looked at Margaret’s Peot’s book “Inkblot” together and the kids got ideas for transforming their blots into creatures. I think the results are terrific and they made so many inkblots that we have enough set aside in the drying rack to use in the coming days when there is a bit of extra time.

Today I suggested that they work on one of their extra inkblots as a sort of warm-up project of the day, but they were so jazzed about finding creatures and people in the blots, that they made a bunch more. Here are some of them:

Monday, June 3, 2019

Georgetown Summer Art Camps

My blog is woefully out of date, but my summer resolution is to keep it up better. Let me start with some photos of past art camps, and a reminder that I have some spots left:

July 15-19 and August 12-16. Ages 6-12.

Let me know if you would like more information:

Recycled Material Guitars

It’s a tiny but extremely energetic mariachi band, playing their cardboard guitars on my patio. The kids had a great time making cardboard guitars by assembling basic cardboard shapes, painting them ... and then adding frets, bridges and tuning pegs made from found objects. And then strings, too, of course.