JUNE 11-15 (5 spots left)
JUNE 25-29 (3 spots left)
JULY 24-27 (2 spots left)
The details are:
For ages 5-11
Class starts at 9:30AM and pick up time is 1:00PM (includes time for snack and lunch)
Art instruction will involve a wide variety of techniques and materials -- large and small projects, 3D and drawing/painting, collage and much more. We'll be inspired by important artists of the past, by ancient art, and by contemporary artists, too.
Bring a snack, drink and lunch. Weather permitting we will take a break around the corner at Volta Park. The cost of one week-long session is $200. All supplies included. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. There are no camp make-ups or refunds for absences.
Please let me know if you'd like to sign up your kids for any of these.
I will be doing my usual fun variety of types of projects--very mixed media--but I want to have an extra-special project each week. So far I have thought of:
Polymer clay pendants
Patterned and painted colorful clay pendants
small glycerine soap in molds, with either flowers or tiny toys embedded in them
like collage, but on the underside of clear glass plates, creating a wonderful useable keepsake (no dishwasher, though)
Pirate Printing
printing t-shirts and bags using public utility covers in Georgetown sidewalks